Cannibalization Rate | Calculator, Formula, and How To Improve

Cannibalization Rate = Sales Lost from Existing Products (# or $) / Sales of New Product (# or $) The cannibalization rate is a way for businesses to determine how much they might lose in sales when introducing a new product. It calculates the sales that could be removed from their existing products and given …

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Projection of Sales | Calculator, Formula, and How To Improve

Projection of Sales = Penetration t (#) * Average Frequency of Purchase (#) * Average Units per Purchase (#) This equation helps businesses and marketers figure out how much they are expected to sell in the future. It considers three important factors: penetration, the percentage of people who will buy their product; average frequency of …

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Trial Rate | Calculator, Formula, and How To Improve

Trial Rate = First-time Triers in Period t (#) / Total Population (#) The trial rate is a way to determine how many people are trying something for the first time compared to the total number of people. We want to know how many people tried a new product in a month. We divide the …

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